Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Look Mom--No wheels!

Nick learned (finally) how to ride without his training wheels. We had been trying to convince him to try not using them but he never wanted to try. So Monday, Daddy just took them off and away he went. We knew he was ready as he hardly ever used them anymore. Fortunately, there were no major spills and no scrapes to the knees. Michael saw Nick riding his big bike and wanted to try his own bike with training wheels. Well, that didn't last long as he went flying down the driveway, hit the bump at the end and crashed. After that, he stuck to his motorcycle and tricycle! We'll get him back on again soon though.


Christina said...
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Christina said...

Okay, so now that I have you correct city, yeah it's been a long day... I will try this again. I LOVE being able to "keep in touch" this way! It is so much fun and way cool :) Your children are so beautiful and I can only imagine how much fun they are! Please give your mom a big hug from me as it has been years since I have seen her. Love that we live just a short flight from each other. One of these days, Zoe and I will have to make the trip :) Hugs to you!